Where Has the Winter Gone?

Where Has the Winter Gone?

Our wonderful volunteers have braved four blustery February Fridays to begin  spring clean-up—removing excessive leaf litter and standing biomass from the plant galleries. Replacing seedheads with stubble has the effect of making everything look worse for awhile. But there’s reason for hope as this tiny, lone February 28 moss phlox blossom shows. 
Here, Taylor Randolph, Laura Sorenson, Ron Fandetti, and Rachel Floyd are clearing a section of a parking island for new growth.
And here is a pile of debris on its way to becoming compost.

We’ll open officially for tours on April 11. In the meantime, there’s lots more to do, including pruning and some planting. Rachel, our consulting hands-on horticulturalist, will be here directing volunteer activities Friday mornings March 13, 20, and 27. If you’d like to join the party, we’d love to have you. Just let Bernice know via the website’s Contact button or at bernice.thieblot@gmail.com