Master Naturalist Courtney McLaughlin will lead a special walk at The Quarry Gardens on the evening of June 17.

Courtney hand-raised the Promethea caterpillars in the featured image. When they’ve eaten enough, they’ll spin leaf-wrapped cocoons from which will emerge gorgeous Giant silk moths. She believes there’s a good chance of finding the caterpillars—with red knobs in front, yellow horns in back, and smiley faces on their butts* —in the wild in mid-June,

As the former Director of In-House Education at The Caterpillar Lab in Marlborough, NH——Courtney knows her caterpillars and what they like to eat. And because The Quarry Gardens offer a smorgasbord, participants may expect to discover and learn about a great variety of caterpillars.

To join us on Saturday June 17 at 6 p.m., just go to and sign up.

*Corrected from the original version, which had smiley faces where expected.