Spring ephemerals are peaking now at The Quarry Gardens at Schuyler. Besides the many Dwarf crested irises (featured), along the trails we’re seeing, Curlyheads, Dwarf larkspurs, Field and plaintain-leaved pussytoes, Wild geraniums, Birdsfoot violets, Woodland phlox, Mayapples, Spring beauties, Wild gingers, Solomon’s seals, Toadshade and wake robin trilliums, Woodland phlox, Perfoliated and mountain bellworts, Blue-eyed grasses, Rue anemones—Bluets everywhere—and much more to come. There will be morning guided tours of these beauties on Friday April 21, Saturday April 29, Saturday May 6, Saturday May 13, and Sunday May 14. Sign up on the website’s Visits/Events page. We look forward to seeing you!