On Saturday September 16 from 1 to 3 p.m. Odonata enthusiast Cindy Andrews will give her stunning presentation of dragonflies and damselflies in the Quarry Gardens classroom—and then lead a trail walk to the damp and flowery places where these flying jewels may be found.

Why do we like odonates? Besides flying and posing beautifully, they eat mosquitoes by the thousands—and they don’t bite or sting.

Cindy is a Virginia Master Naturalist in the Riverine Chapter and a nature photographer. To join her, sign up at quarrygardensatschuyler.org/visit. Binoculars may help you spot these aerial delights, and a camera will help to preserve the thrills. Consider bringing a lunch to enjoy in our picnic pavilion before the event.

The featured image by Cindy is a Blue-faced meadowhawk (Sympetrum ambiguum), an easy-to-identify dragon found in September and October.