A Day of Birding with Suleka Deevi

A Day of Birding with Suleka Deevi

Coming up on June 15! Join Suleka Deevi on a visual and auditory tour of Quarry Gardens. Learn about migratory birds that came all the way from Central and South America. Discover more about resident birds that are in Virginia year round, and why some species don’t migrate.
Learn to identify birds by both plumage and song. Additionally, learn about birds’  life cycle, habitat, diet, and behavior. A slow to easy pace will accommodate most abilities and also let birders focus on the birds seen and heard. Participants will be encouraged to listen to bird song and calls, and learn how to distinguish species through pitch, cadence and repetition.
Early birders can join Suleka at 7 am. As edge habitats tend to be species rich, Suleka will bird the meeting spot until 8 am, so participants may arrive anytime between 7 and 8 am. Bring water, snacks and a packed lunch to enjoy in the picnic pavilion.
Questions are encouraged, so come prepared to experience birds, learn new facts, and have fun!
Arrive: 7-8 am
Snack break: 10 am
Lunch: 12 pm
End: 2:30 pm
Bio: Suleka Deevi is a naturalist and environmental educator who guides at bird festivals across the US, has worked at state parks and nonprofits, and is also a math and science tutor. She enjoys wildlife photography and its power in environmental conservation and education. As President of the Richmond Audubon Society and Vice President of the Pocahontas Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalists, she is dedicated to bringing the wonder of birds and nature to more people! Her goal is to see a birding crowd as diverse as the birds themselves! When she isn’t reading she can be found walking along the river with her black lab or watching yard birds with her indoor cat. She is an uber nerd who loves Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, and all things sci-fi and fantasy! Suleka is currently the Volunteer Program Manager for Virginia State Parks and hopes to encourage more people to find joy in the outdoors!